Jim Buncher just signed in to the email list.

Jim Buncher |

George White and Cherry |
Hi Bill,
We are home now, after flying trip to Iowa to visit new great grandbaby.
Had a nice time and made a major decision while there.
For some time, we have been thinking about the future and where Bert wanted
to be if something happened to me.
We bought an apartment in Dubuque, Iowa, and have listed our Peridia
house for sale. Once the sale goes through and we settle in Iowa, we intend
coming back to Florida as a "snowbirds."
I think we will look for a double-wide on some park somewhere near the
ocean. The kids love the beach and can use it in the summer and we'll
use it in the winter.
The apartment we bought is new, we will be the first owners. It is in a
co-op which means we have absolutely no maintenance - they even change
the light bulbs. No service contract on appliances or air conditioning as
co-op maintains. Indoor, underground parking with automatic car wash bay.
Security provided. Exercise area indoors. Grills, etc. outdoors.
Club rooms for cards, parties, etc. Guest room for your visitors at
cost of $30 per night.
Our place is 1400 square feet with two bedrooms, kitchen, large living room,
2 baths, great storage and pantry facilities. Washer and dryer in closeted room.
This is not a retirement home and no meals are provided.
Now all we have to do is sell the house. Will probably winter here this year.
Dick Lovelace
Judy Rudasill-Colbert has been battling Multiple Myeloma and just had a successful stem cell transplant from her own,
harvested, cells. She is optomistic and sends her greetings to the class, I'm sure she'll get plenty of prayers from
Earl Pealstrom on the skywalk, Grand Canyon |

Dick Jennings |

Dick and Sandy ('56) cooked for me 5/13/06 |
Dick and Sandy (Vehmeier. sp?) '56 live in Surprise, AZ, a NW suburb or Phoenix. They've built a lovely home here, and
are going to be in QC for Sandy's 50th reunion from Rocky.
Roland Stoleson, not in Smoke Jumper gear |

Roland, (National Forest Service all his life), has been involved with the Smoke Jumpers Association, past
president. One of their projects is the maintenance of the trails for hikers, clearing fallen trees, keeping plumbing going
at campsites...
To check it out, go to www.smokejumpers.com and click on the "Trails Maintenance Program link on the left, then click on the Power Point presentation.
Roland's name is at the bottom of the page.
Kent Granzin
Thanks for
the opportunity to share my past on the website, but I really haven't led an interesting enough life to find anything worth
sharing. I’ve had successes, but these days I’m a railroad man. I retired to Hendersonville,
NC. in 2000, where I have my own model railroad downstairs and am active in the
Asheville, NC model railroad club of some 70- members (most
of whom contribute little to the life of the club). We have built a set of 30 2' by 4' HO-scale (1:87 scale) modules
that fit together to create a (hollow in the center) 48' by 16' layout. We hold our own train shows and take our layout
to set it up in different venues in western NC -- e.g., farm-city day in Hendersonville, autumn
by the tracks in Black Mountain,
Every Tuesday
we hold an afternoon and an evening class for the kids ("hoboes") at a children's home in Asheville.
These kids are "at risk," which means they are on the road to trouble if they can't be diverted from that road. Most
of them are diverted. it's kind of amazing how most of them become interested in creating little 1-ft. square modules
with small scenes featuring one or two buildings, perhaps a stream or lake, trees, bushes, and other such features.
These modules are n-scale (1:160 scale), which is quite small. This scale is hard for us old guys to see. Almost.
The modules hook together to make a circuit so we can run trains. I also work with a man at the van hospital, who suffered
from a stroke and will probably spend the rest of his life there. We’re building him a layout in n-scale, as well.
he graduated from high school the same year we did and attained the same rank in the navy I did (lieutenant), so I feel close
to him in that respect. Except he's confined and I’m free.
If you think
any of the preceding would be of interest for posting, I can re-write it using the capital letter key. I know it's there
somewhere on the left of the keyboard.
Kent Granzin

Kent and Sharon Granzin |

A sample of Kent's railroading. |
Since my husband
has been dealing with low vision due to macular degeneration for
the past several years, I was
happy to be retired and able to edit his book manuscript as well as usher it
through publication. Muscle and
Manliness: The Rise of Sport in American Boarding Schools, by Axel Bundgaard, came out last July from Syracuse
University Press. He tells
the story of how sport developed in these early secondary schools and became entrenched by the first part of the 20th century. He also tells how the notion of character development through sport became
part of our American ethos.
Many of you may remember Tom Scheuerman's older brother, Sharm, two years ahead of us. He resides in Denver and is President of a non-profit called BCI edge. He
and his board use basketball as a platform for spreading positive examples and the Christian message around the world. We have been contributing to his work for the past several years, and it is amazing
to me how global his reach is with the game of basketball. When Sharm began in
this work years ago, I think Tom was a major underwriter. It seems now that Sharm and
his board are doing well on their own.
I have read parts of Phil's book
on Search and Seizure. It is very timely re: the current
controversies about domestic electronic surveillance. Phil gives a clear historical background to help the lay
person understand the origins of our fourth amendment.
Ann Wagner Bundgaard
Chuck was named the Small Businessman of the Year by the National Republican congressional Committee in Washington.
He owns a company which makes packaging machines in Monroe, LA. I'm including a picture of him in 2004 taken on the Bonneville
Salt Flats with his '28 roadster. He sponsors a midget racer, too. I don't know if he races it himself or not.

Bill is doing quite well after his lung cancer. He is scheduled for a full summer tour, starting at the Smithsonian Institute
and including the Bix in late July (I wouldn't miss it for the world).
Earl is living in Yucca Valley, CA. Here's a picture he took in late March which he describes as a "taste of home".
I thought he had said he was a train nut, too. Here's the proof.

Earl Pealstrom is a model engineer, too. |

Harry and Morgan Lester in Florida |
After retiring from his Illinois Hall of Fame Wrestling Coach's career, he settled in Florida. Here's a recent picture
of him and wife, Morgan. He is as funny as ever, ask him about the "thigh master" when you get him alone.
Phil has had a distinguished career, public defender, then Dade County Public Defender (elected office), then Appelate
A book has been written about the case where he worked for 14 years to clear two men wrongly convicted of murder.
Now he's written a reference book, Making Sense of Search and Seizure. He's received postive responses from
two of the Judges on the US Supreme Court.
Quite a representative for RIHS '54.
Married my high school love, Karen Kane-Unger April 7, 2006. If nothing else I am a persistent cuss.
The AZ Academy of Family Physicians named me their 2006 AZ FP of the Year. Quite an honor, makes me wish I had done more
to deserve it.
When I got back to the QC and started practicing in the Genesis Urgent Care, a colleague started a successful campaign
which resulted in the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians to present me with a Lifetime Achievment award. Nice to be recognized
by fellow physicians.